What it means to be a Church School
We are proud to be a church aided primary school, affiliated to St Mary's Church in Selborne and the Diocese of Winchester.
If you wish to contact the joint Portsmouth and Winchester Anglican Diocesan Education Team for further information, their details can be found here:
Further details about what it means to be a church school can be found in this PDF.
Collective Worship
All schools must conduct an act of collective worship, broadly Christian in nature each day. Worship is integral to the life and ethos of our school and is led by staff with contributions from pupils and visitors to the school, including Rev. Lesley Leon, Rev. Lynn Power and Rev. Carrie Woodhouse.
We hold 4 services in St. Mary’s Church each year: Harvest, Christmas, Easter and Summer. We also support the church in their Harvest and Mothering Sunday Services.
Our Collective Worship is planned to reflect the Church calendar, Christian Values, and individual situations which affect the school, in order to ensure compliance with our trust deed and the SIAMS Evaluation Schedule. We also make explicit our links to St Mary's Church – our rector and his team visit every week to lead worship as well as our termly Church worship.
All parents have the right to withdraw their child from collective worship. The Headteacher will wish to discuss with parents, implications of accommodating the parent’s views on withdrawal. Our worship is inclusive, rooted in the Christian faith, but incorporating stories from other faiths and accessible to all members of the school community, whatever their religious background or stage of development.
Parents are welcome to attend our Church Services.
Church School Council
We work closely with other church schools in the area. Two members of each school meet together half termly to learn from each other. We visit each other’s schools and churches and aim to work together to improve something in our local area. This has included supporting the Alton Foodbank and we were able to donate a total of 84kg of food collected at our Harvest Festival in October! Our School Church Councillors were able to have the opportunity to help the foodbank sort and pack all the donated food ready for it to be distributed to those in need. In previous years we have gifted flowers to local community members and supported the Night Shelter in Winchester.
Our two Church School Councillors are Alma Langlands and Eada Grant-Turton