Supporting children's Special Education Needs and Disabilities as well as their mental health is very important to us here at Selborne.
The SEN policy and SEND Information Report for Selborne CofE Primary School can be found on our policies page of the school website. These two documents together outline how we support children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
The Gifted and Talented Policy can also be found on the policies page of the website. This outlines how we support, nurture and challenge children who are gifted or talented in one subject or across the curriculum.
What is an ELSA?
ELSAs are emotional literacy support assistants. They are trained staff to support the emotional development of children and young people in school.
ELSAs help children learn to understand their emotions their feelings of themselves and others.
They support the development of high self-esteem and positive interactions with others, thus helping children focus better on their learning.
Some of the areas the ELSA may work on are:
recognising emotions self esteem
friendship skills social skills
anger management loss and bereavement
We are also supported by a wide range of outside agencies that can provide us specialist advice and provision if necessary.
YoungMinds - children and young people's mental health charity
Parent information and guidance.
CAMHS (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Support)
Parenting support and guidance.
Please feel welcome to contact your class teacher or the ELSA if you have any questions.
Full ELSA policy can be found on our policy page.